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Empowering human potential accelerates this journey

New technologies that accelerate customer satisfaction are not exactly ‘breaking news’- but if enterprises are able to figure out how AI and cognitive robotics can be applied, the unique customer experience can easily become a trending ‘news flash’. Using intelligent automation is no longer a guarded secret sauce, industry leaders are looking for. The actual craftiness lies in embedding the technology upgrade with intelligent implementation without limiting the automation process. IT & BPO sectors have seen its successful and valued journey in a conducive environment.

Can coalesce cognitive robotics with AI result in the unique customer experience as analysts forecast? 

Intelligent automation solutions have matured in 7 key areas

Hardware & storage systems

The semiconductor space has become huge and is proving to be inexpensive for data storage solutions. As infrastructure becomes high-end in IT and BPO industry, they require better algorithms to maintain efficiency. The surge of several apps related to AI fuels the need to move faster for end-user satisfaction.

AI linked startups

Robotics is no longer sci-fi for many enterprises. Many startupsare using the intelligent automation to drive processes. They even get capital to use the new technology to market the products and services. Infosys and Amazon have been key beneficiaries of this new technology upgrades with roughly 1 billion USD capital.

AI and Machine Learning

Machine learning is yet another successful part of the improved automation cycle. With voice recognition and imaging, cognitive robotics is gaining ground providing a unique customer experience-be it the end user or the B2B client. As unprecedented and a high level of human interaction is required in some areas to maintain relationships, it adds to the accuracy and efficiency. This maturity level indicates the way automation need not be limiting at any level.

Self-learning solutions

When data is churned out through machine learning or other processes it offers a golden opportunity to understand the algorithms. It offers learning even when human interaction is not required. This turns out to be a time-saver for the busy executives. How? It is ideal for preparation of an invoice, processing of legal documents, contracts with vendors, or even multiple areas from where data is extracted.

Language processing solutions

Chatbots have to be empowered too. Language recognition which is through speech or text needs to be close to human parameters. Chatbots are able to provide solutions to queries of customers even via email, phone, or other interactive channels which translate and also transcribe the conversation. Al these are useful in the automation context to learn via machines, and perhaps, some neuro-linguistic programs.

Predictive Analysis for automation

When data is sourced from multiple channels, they can be used for predictive analysis. It helps to improve automation. Any action that has the potential to be taken automatically will be appreciated by the customer and adds to the unique experience.

Knowledge-driven automation

All intelligent automation is not directed to the systems but also to the human resources present in the company. The employees also need to grapple with the new systems as they are the ones who operate. A knowledge-driven automation allows the to figure out how best to help a customer. Data comes in from various channels and can be used as insight for their learning from time to time. Such knowledge is able to amplify the human potential and aid organizations that require them to use the technologies. As each organization sees the AI benefits they can build dedicated teams to tackle the customer queries.

The age of Robotics is upon us

When it always boils down to customer experience for any origination it isbest not to start with any available technology being used by others. An effective combination of AI and robotics now requires natural learning processes, robotic process automation, and cognitive computing. Perhaps, there is a need to de-couple a system or a process that inhibits the actual conversation with the customer. Or there may be a channel that does not deliver the goods to the consumers that need to be removed. Overlooking these factors can derail the combination of automation. It is best to take advantage of the benefits that reduce manual intervention. As employees, salespeople and others related to customer relationships gain insight and use various cognitive techniques with AI they can be proactive and spend time on strategic planning.

Tip: Do an independent assessment of how your organization can benefit from the combination of AI and robotics. Once, the proof is there, the implementation will be a breeze.

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